Benjamin Graham taught that Intelligent Investors must do a thorough fundamental analysis of investment opportunities to determine their intrinsic value and inherent risk. This is best done by utilizing a systematic approach to analysis that will provide investors with a sense of how a specific company compares to another company. By using the ModernGraham method one can review a company's historical accomplishments and determine an intrinsic value that can be compared across industries. What follows is a specific look at how Online Deals Company Inc. fares in the ModernGraham valuation model.

BBY Dividend data by YCharts
Conclusion:Best Buy Company presents too much risk for either Defensive Investors or Enterprising Investors at this time. For the Defensive Investor, the company fails the requirements by having a low current ratio, insufficient earnings stability or growth over the ten year period, and a high PEmg ratio. For the Enterprising Investor, the company does not have a high enough current ratio, and has insufficient earnings stability or growth over the last 5 years. As a result, value investors seeking to follow the ModernGraham approach based on Benjamin Graham's methods should explore other opportunities, such as through a review of 5 Outstanding Dow Components or 5 Low PEmg Companies for the Enterprising Investor.
As for a valuation, the company's EPSmg (normalized earnings) have dropped considerably over the last five years, from $2.81 in 2010 to $0.38 for 2014, leading the ModernGraham valuation model to return a figure that significantly trails the market's implied estimate of 30.35% earnings growth from the $0.38 EPSmg figure. Until the earnings show continued improvement, the company will continue to appear overvalued.
The next part of the analysis is up to individual investors, and requires discussion of the company's prospects. What do you think? What value would you put on Best Buy Company Inc.? Where do you see the company going in the future? Is there a company you like better?
Disclosure: The author did not hold a position in Best Buy Company Inc. ( BBY) or any of the other companies listed in this article at the time of publication and had no intention of changing that position within the next 72 hours.

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